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The 7′th and 8′th lectures of the second term course “Basics of complex (dusty) plasmas” will be held on November, 13′th and 14′th. 2013.
The 5′th and 6′th lectures of the second term course “Basics of complex (dusty) plasmas” will be held on November, 06′th and 07′th. 2013.
The 3′rd and 4′th lectures of the second term course “Basics of complex (dusty) plasmas” will be held on October, 23′rd and 24′th. 2013.
The 1′st and 2′nd lectures of the second term course “Basics of complex (dusty) plasmas” will be held on October, 9′th and 10′th. 2013.
The 8th lecture of the course “Basics of complex (dusty) plasmas” will be held on
The 7th lecture of the course “Basics of complex (dusty) plasmas” will be held on May, 22th. 2013.
The fifth lecture of the course “Basics of complex (dusty) plasmas” will be held on April, 17th. 2013.
The third lecture of the course “Basics of complex (dusty) plasmas” will be held on March, 27th. 2013.