19 April 2017 in the Research and Educational Centre for Ion Plasma Science (room 202э) will host the conference “Student scientific spring-2017″ section of the department of “Э8″. Conference starts: 11.00. Everyone is invited!
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Exams for the course “Basics of complex (dusty) plasmas”
The 9′th and 10′th lectures of the second term course “Basics of complex (dusty) plasmas” will be held on November, 27′th and 28′th. 2013.
The exam of the course “Basics of complex (dusty) plasmas” will be held on June, 10th. 2013.
April 11, 2013 a symposium “Plasma Physics: from fundamental science to applications”.
The grand opening of the Research and Educational Center BMSTU “Ion Plasma Technologies” held on April 10th, 2013.
The grand opening of the Research and Educational Center BMSTU “Ion Plasma Technologies” will be held on April 10th, 2013.